
Rob Bell

Artist / Writing / Pastor / No-Introduction-Needed

ROB BELL has been a hero of mine for years, which is why I sound like a small excited child in this conversation! Coming to you from a church kitchen in Laguna Beach, Rob skipped his dinner to sit down with me and chat about the CREATIVE side of his work. From short films to live tours to rock bands, we talk about the artist in the theologian, and what it might look like for the two to live in harmony.

Meghan Schuurman

Artist / Social Work / Community / Justice / Creativity / Burn Out 

MEGHAN SCHUURMAN is a powerhouse! From running an arts program for underprivledged youth to helping congregations create art together, Meghan lives at the intersection of justice and creativity. We got a chance to hang out and talk more about creativity, burn out, gentrification, church, and a bunch of other goodness!