
Rob Bell

Artist / Writing / Pastor / No-Introduction-Needed

ROB BELL has been a hero of mine for years, which is why I sound like a small excited child in this conversation! Coming to you from a church kitchen in Laguna Beach, Rob skipped his dinner to sit down with me and chat about the CREATIVE side of his work. From short films to live tours to rock bands, we talk about the artist in the theologian, and what it might look like for the two to live in harmony.

Brad Watson

Church Planting / Creating Sermons / Pastors & Church / Local Politics / Mission

BRAD WATSON gets real about what in the WORLD it means to church plant, be creative, preach, and pastor!

Four years ago Brad planted a church in a medium sized Ontario city. We also planted in a medium sized city four years ago. WOW! We must have so much to talk about!

Wendy Gritter

New Direction / LGTBQ Advocate / Author / Jesus Follower / Bridge Builder / Church Resource-r / Gracious Prophet 

WENDY VANDERWAL GRITTER talks grace, good questions, writing, queer Christians, and "smelling like Jesus."

For over ten years Wendy has worked with New Direction, an organization that helps bridge the gap between those who find themselves on the margins of gender/sexuality, and the church. She recently wrote an (excellent) book called Generous Spaciousness.

Wendy has been a friend, a wise voice, and a resource to our little church plant since it's beginning. I am excited for you to get to know her and make another new friend!


Glen Soderholm

Travelling Musician /  Pastor / Neighbourhood Convert / Super-Legit Person / Parent Success Story / Wise Human – GLEN SODERHOLM sits down to talk about all that jazz and more.

Glen pastored for years with the Presbyterian Church, then toured all over as a famous worship leader, before becoming “converted” to the idea of neighborhood parish. He’s got stories to tell and wisdom for you to steal!

I met Glen through his daughter, who was a part of planting our church, and who is also super legit and the real deal. The only danger with interviewing super-wise people is they just might call you on your crap in front of the whole internet on the first episode of your new podcast. COME ON GLEN!